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2023 Holiday Schedule & Drop In Options

The CCCF Team

Our holiday schedule is up to date in ZenPlanner. The only days with modified schedules are Sunday (closed), and Monday.

Schedule: 12/23 thru 12/26

  • Friday - 5:30a & 10a classes, 3-5p Open Gym

  • Saturday - 8:30a class

  • Sunday - Closed

  • Monday - 9a Class

Schedule: 12/30 thru 1/2

  • Friday, Saturday: Normal schedule (same as above)

  • Sunday - Closed

  • Monday - Regular schedule resumes

We will be doing the 12 days of Christmas WOD on Friday, December 23rd in class or you can do it in open gym.

If you've done any version of the 12 days of Christmas you know this is a workout that gets spicy fast! Here is the Rx version of the workout. Remember, all workouts can be modified. 12 Days of Christmas - Rx version

1 Rope Climb

2 Squat Cleans (155/105)

3 Muscle Ups

4 Burpee over Bar

5 Deadlifts (155/105)

6 Handstand Push Ups

7 Toes to bar

8 Wall Ball (20/14)

9 Box Get Over (48”/40”)

10 Back Rack Lunges (155/105)

11 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

12 Thruster (155/105)

The workout goes just like the song. 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, etc. You always move to the next day and go back down to 1. This is one of those workouts where the coach explains how it works, but there will always be some that get confused and do it backwards.

Drop In Options

  • 1 class drop in pass

  • 1 week pass

  • 5 or 10 class pass (expires in 3 months)

You can purchase your drop in pass option on our website. Here is a little explanation on our class reservation/cancellation policies:

  • Reservations open 3 days prior to the class.

  • Reserve / cancel classes up to 30 minutes prior to class. The exception to the cancellation window is for the 5:30a & 6:30a class where cancellations close at 8p the night before.

We recently moved and don't have any signs. Here is a picture of our front door:

We can't wait to meet you!


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