We are happy to celebrate our 11th year in business as Milwaukee's longest-running CrossFit Gym.
Earlier this year, Cream City CrossFit Cooperative celebrated our 11th year as Milwaukee's longest-running CrossFit gym! And just last month, we celebrated our 6th year as a fully member-owned cooperative. Because of our co-op philosophy, we essentially run the business as a non-profit. Our gym is one of just two co-op gyms in the world!
While the ongoing pandemic has kept our gym running lean the past year, we have stayed strong due to our committed community of members, most of whom are vested owners. As things have rapidly opened up in the past month, we are planning to put together a proper celebration — look for plans later this summer!
If you are curious about our cooperative roots, please check out these articles from a few years ago.
Bay View Compass: New Co-op in Bay View
Urban Milwaukee: Cream City CrossFit Cooperative
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